Requirement Definition


Container for mission profile and component related requirements. The contents of the RequirementDefinition element are ignored during the processing of MPFO-XML documents.

Definition of ‘RequirementDefinition’ Element

The RequirementDefinition element is formally defined here: RequirementDefinition

The only supported requirements format is currently the XML based ReqIF foramt [ReqIF]. The contents of the RequirementDefinition element can be encrypted using the W3C XML-encryption mechanism [XML-SEC].

Parsing Directives and Checks on Application Level

The contents of the RequirementDefinition element are ignored during the processing of MPFO-XML documents since the mission profile framework (MPFW) does not yet directly support the processing of ReqIF documents.


Example 1: MPFO-XML document stub with include of externally defined requirements in ReqIF format

<!-- Component definition as MPFO-XML mission profile document. -->


    <!-- Definition of mission profile related requirements. -->
    <RequirementDefinition Id="ID.Requirement.1" Format="ReqIF">
        <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="reqif_example_2.reqif"/>

Example 2: MPFO-XML document stub with embedded and encrypted requirements in ReqIF format


To be added!