MPFo Mission Profile Definition (1st Root)


The mission profile of a component is organized in a XML document structure. The MPFo element defines the primary root element, which contains all relevant definitions for document revisions, ports, loads, actions, activities, scenarios and requirements. It also supports the load-time include of externally defined MPFO-XML based mission profile information, which may include definitions of standard loads, standards ports etc.

Definition of ‘MPFo’ Element

The MPFo element is formally defined here: MPFo

All MPFo sub-elements can be encrypted using the W3C XML-encryption mechanism [XML-SEC]. The element attribute ‘Revision’ should be defined in that case due to the then inaccessible revision information in the DocumentDefinition element.


Example 1: Basic structure of a MPFO-XML document with external includes

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MPFo xmlns:m=""
    ShortDescription="Example: Simple two-port electrical resistor R1 that is operated with a DC current for 55h at 298K (25C) and 350h at 423K (150C)">

    <!-- Long description of mission profile document. -->

    <!-- External MPFO-XML definitions via XML XInclude mechanism. -->
        <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="./include/stdlib.xml"/>

    <!-- Definition of mission profile document revisions. -->

    <!-- Definition of component port structure. -->

    <!-- Definition of the component loads, such as the environmental and functional loads. -->

    <!-- Combination of environmental loads with functional loads at component ports for a specific action. -->

    <!-- Definition of the component activities, i.e., a series of linked actions and/or parallel activity streams. -->

    <!-- Definition of the component application scenarios. -->

    <!-- Definition of mission profile related requirements. -->

Example 2: Encrypted MPFO-XML document


To be added!