Document Definition


A typical component has several development revisions during its development and product life cycle. In addition, a corresponding MPFO-XML document may also have several revisions by itself for its own reasons.

A MPFO-XML document must have at least one Document element defined for the current document revision, but it may also have more than one Document element defined to keep its revision history. The Document element contains all information related to a document revision.

A Document element will receive a unique ID as well as creation and modification information. The element can also refer to a previous revision of itself, which can be used to build a revision history tree. Detailed revision author and export tool information can be added to support traceability.

Any Document element can be electronically signed individually using the W3C XML-signature mechanism [XML-SIG]. The contents of the DocumentDefinition element can be encrypted using the W3C XML-encryption mechanism [XML-SEC].

Definition of ‘DocumentDefinition’ Element

The DocumentDefinition element is formally defined here: DocumentDefinition

The contents of the DocumentDefinition element can be encrypted using the W3C XML-encryption mechanism [XML-SEC]. The element attribute ‘Revision’ should be defined for the MPFo root node element in case the contents of the DocumentDefinition element is encrypted.

Definition of ‘Document’ Element

The Document element is defined here: Document

Any Document element can be signed electronically using the W3C XML-signature mechanism [XML-SIG].


Example 1: Document element definitions for two MPFO-XML document revisions

<!-- Component definition as MPFO-XML mission profile document. -->

    <!-- Definition of mission profile document revisions -->
            <!-- Initial MP document revision -->
            <Document Id="ID.MP.Doc.01" Revision="1">
                <Description>Initial mission profile document</Description>
                <Creator Name="Klaus Schulze" Organization="Example Company" Email="" ToolName="MPFW" ToolVersion="1.2" CreationTimeStamp="2018-01-01T08:00:00.0Z"/>
            <!-- Second MP document revision -->
            <Document Id="ID.MP.Doc.02" ShortDescription="First update version" Revision="2" ModificationTimeStamp="2018-05-31T18:13:51.0" PredecessorDocumentRef="ID.MP.Doc.01">
                <Description>Updated mission profile document</Description>
                <Creator Name="Max Mustermann" Organization="Example Company" Email="" ToolName="MPFW" ToolVersion="1.2" CreationTimeStamp="2018-05-04T10:00:00.0Z"/>


Example 2: Digitally signed document revision


To be added.